
The Caroline Kettlewell Diet
  • Breakfast: ½ cup fat-free yogurt (100 cals)
    • total: 100 calories, 0 gms fat
  • Lunch: 1 clementine or 1 small orange ( 45 cals)
    • total: 45 calories, 0 gms fat
  • Dinner: 3 bites of dinner (approx. 100 cals) 
    • total: 100 calories, 2 gms fat

total: 245 calories, 2 gms fat

The Bikini Diet

  • Breakfast: 1 grapefruit and 1 yogurt (the yogurt must be fat-free and under 90 calories) OR 1 egg white and 1 plain rice cake
  • Lunch: 1/2 cup boiled cabbage, 2 egg whites, and one rice cake OR 2 cups lettuce and tomato salad (without dressing), 1.5 oz lean meat or fish, and 1 rice cake
  • Dinner: 2 cups green salad (without dressing), 1/2 boiled potato, 1.5 oz fish/lean meat OR replace potato with 1/3 cup fat-free polenta
Drink 4-5 L of water per day, but not within 30 min of meals because it will stretch your stomach.
Exercise is the most important part of this diet: do at least 60 minutes of strenuous exercise per day. Paired with these food choices, that should really boost your metabolism.

The Ballerina Diet


  • Do not overeat
  • You cannot combine different protein products, such as fish and chicken
  • You cannot add salt to anything
  • Milk and dairy products should not contain fat
  • You should drink 2 liters of water, you cannot drink 30 minutes before eating

The Diet:

  • Breakfast- 1/3 pack of cottage cheese and a glass of warm 1%-3% milk
  • Second breakfast- Bread with margarine, a cup of coffee, a teaspoon of honey
  • Lunch- A tablespoon of cooked rice, drink one cup of broth, and eat a piece of meat. No more than 150g
  • Dinner- 2 hours before bedtime have a glass of warm milk or 1 yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey

The Russian Gymnast Diet

This is the diet of Olympic silver medalist Irina Tschachina ( 5”6 and weighs only 99lbs!) it was such a 
success for her now many other Russian Gymnasts are following this diet. Here it is:
  • Breakfast: Glass of either orange or apple juice
  • Lunch: Fruit Salad (made off kiwi fruit, orange, pineapple, and peeled apples), glass of fruit juice (from one of the above fruits
  • Dinner: Glass of non carbonated water, green apple

The Vegan Model Diet

  • Breakfast: 1 slice reduced-calorie bread (45 cals), 1-2 cups black coffee, or with no-cal sweetener (0 cals)
    • total: 45 calories, ½ gm fat
  • Lunch: 1 medium-large apple (120 cals)
    • total: 120 calories, ½ gm fat
  • Dinner: 8 baby carrots (40 cals)
    • total: 40 calories, 0 gms fat
Total: 200 calories, 1 gm fat

The Six-Week Six-Pack Diet


  1. The page numbers that are being referenced are from the cookbook 300 Calories or Less
  2. "Lifts" means inner thigh lifts with an exercise ball (position a    position b)
  3. The "Arms" set is: 15 of these for 3 sets on each arm, 15 of these for 3 sets on each arm, and 15 of these for 3 sets. 

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