Monday, July 8, 2013

My Favorite Technique

This is one I heard of but didn't believe worked- but I can affirm it DOES:

Make friends with your hunger. It's fat leaving the body. It's purity, it's perfection. Welcome it like an old friend. You've fought with it so many times that you know it well and you can face it. Learn to love it, feel lucky when it graces you with its presence. ENJOY it.

Also, self-control games are great. Tell yourself to do something and force yourself to do it. Repeat this throughout the day, every day. Soon, you will automatically do everything you tell yourself to do. This way you control yourself as if you were a different person and working out instead of eating comes easy.

Working out when you're tired is great- you feel way more energetic afterward. Working out is also very important for sleeping well at night and sleep is VERY important. If you look up ana tips and tricks on the internet, literally EVERY website tells you to sleep 8 hours per night. It increases your energy and decreases your appetite.

Do crunches when you feel like you're about to binge. DO THEM. At least 200.

Wall sit when you brush your teeth.

Stretch when you're on the computer, plank while you read, take the stairs and run up them, fidget, park far away from the store or walk to the store (even better, this way you're forced to buy less). Work out whenever you're alone- nobody to bother you!

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