Monday, July 8, 2013

Does anyone else find this totally unfair?

So, recently on the pro-ana forum I frequent (MyProAna- my username is WinterGirl00), I chatted with this girl who told me that she got kicked out of college for her ED.


That is so unfair! Colleges admit and keep fat people, right? They clearly have a far worse problem and cost far more to keep healthy (I mean, if you can ever consider a fatty healthy). They certainly have an unhealthy relationship with food. This is only one of the more recent instances of thin-discrimination that I have witnessed/been subjected to. For example, people constantly scoff at skinny models, saying, "omg she's so ugly, put some meat on those bones you 9-year-old boy!" but when they see fat models on that one magazine cover that comes out every year they're like, "omg that's classic beauty everyone should look like her work it, girl!".  When did it become ok to harass thin people?  They're not all bitches, and often they're just as insecure as fat people if not more so. It is just not ok that our culture broadcasts the ideal of a gorgeous thin body but when it's right in front of them they demean it and instead support the ugly fatties. And some people have the nerve to say that loving your fat body and not trying to change it takes courage- BULLSHIT!!! What takes courage is changing your body, striving for perfection, and IGNORING all the STUPID BITCHES who TRY TO PUT YOU DOWN! And, when you get there, FLAUNT IT AND NEVER LET IT GO NO MATTER HOW MUCH PEOPLE HATE ON YOU! xoxox stay strong!!!

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